Author: admin

  • Swytch Bike review

    These are our Swytch bikes. We bought them over 20 years ago intending to ride the C&O canal tow path section by section. We did make it after several trips from Georgetown to the Monocacy River, but the bikes ended up in storage for most of those 20 years. We would have liked to ride…

  • Under sink water damage. New sink cover storage.

    Under sink water damage. New sink cover storage.

    We encountered a leak under the kitchen sink. We wanted it completely dried out and any rot removed. I ended up pulling out the shelf, carpet and side of the cabinet. My wife wanted to leave the bottom open for easy access to store things there. I put this board on the top portion and…

  • Awning Disaster

    Awning Disaster

    Not my proudest moment. On our way to Cunningham Falls State Park, we encountered some rain showers. Yeah no big deal. Until we got to the road out of Thurman going to the camp. When I started up the road I encountered a road closed sign. We had to detour up a 1-lane back road…

  • Unusual Nectar Source Makes MORE Honey Available!

    Unusual Nectar Source Makes MORE Honey Available!

    SPECIAL OFFER. I have 6 bottles of freshly extracted 2024 Summer honey. As you can see in this picture this honey is much darker than my spring honey. From Facebook, use link at bottom of this post. Use THIS LINK at to order now. Must be picked up before September 10 2024. Take a…

  • 2024 Honey being bottled. Will be ready for sales Monday!

    2024 Honey being bottled. Will be ready for sales Monday!

    Here is a picture of the honey from the bees here for the past 3 years. On the left is 2022, middle is 2023, right is 2024. Back row is glass jars and the front is plastic bottles. To PRE ORDER, CLICK HERE. This link takes you to my COIN Services order system. Here is…

  • 2024 Honey Sales starts Monday 7-22-24

    2024 Honey Sales starts Monday 7-22-24

    The bees are even now making their finishing touches to this year’s honey crop. If all goes well the honey will be ready for sale on Monday July 22nd. The supply is limited and will sell out quickly! Possibly in one day. All sales are first come, first served. Pre-paid pre orders will take precedence.…

  • Eclipse swarm

    Eclipse swarm

    On Monday April 8th 2024, I was in Dayton, OH watching the spectacular show put on by our moon eclipsing the sun. I did not know that a couple hours earlier, one of my hives decided it would be a good time to swarm. As you can see by the above graph, the scales took…

  • Closet pigeonhole cubby.

    Closet pigeonhole cubby.

    The bedroom has the solar controller and the CO/Propane alarm installed when we bought the rig. I never liked the fact that they protruded into the closet. When I replaced the solar panels I added a frame to re-mount them in and make the wall more flush. My original idea was just to make a…

  • Evolution of my Hive Scales

    Evolution of my Hive Scales

    This is my award winning all-purpose screened bottom board with drawer space for IPM board, OA treatment board and integrated hive scale. I started out using the Broodminder scale which uses a cantilever design. With this scale half of the hive is weighed and doubled to arrive at approximate hive weight. I have used at…

  • New fruiting Pear Trees added to Apiary

    New fruiting Pear Trees added to Apiary

    Thanks to an Allview Neighbor, I was given several trimmings from their pear tree. I added several cuttings along the creek bank to help arrest the eroding of the creek bank. Also they have nice blooms that will the bees will hopefully find helpful. While working in the creek bed, I found several bees collecting…

  • Watching the Tulip Poplar trees.

    Here is a photo taken March 25, 2024. This is the high foliage of one of the tulip poplar trees at my apiary. Last year they started producing nectar right around May 1st. Hoping for another great crop this year! Tulip poplar nectar is one of the major nectars included in Allview Bee honey. It…

  • Website Hosting

    Website Hosting

    You may not have known that my Apiary is also a technology company. Yes COIN Services or Columbia Internetworking LLC has been home here since 2002. If you are looking for a website (or want to change yours), check us out.

  • Block birds from building nests in my Air conditioners.

    Block birds from building nests in my Air conditioners.

    Last spring birds decided to make a home inside my back air conditioner. They didnt hurt anything but it was quite a mess. This spring I removed the air conditioner covers and added #2 hardware cloth over the vent holes where they were getting in.

  • Anti Robbing Screen

    Anti Robbing Screen

    Made to order. Choose 8 frame or 10 frame. Lead time will be quoted upon contact. $25.85 each. CLICK HERE to place order. Specify size.

  • NEW Mann Lake 10 frame outer telescoping cover

    NEW Mann Lake 10 frame outer telescoping cover

    Cover has never been used. Still has protective plastic covering the aluminum top. $36 Pick up only. CLICK HERE if you are interested.

  • 2024 Nectar Flow has begun!

    2024 Nectar Flow has begun!

    Here is a graph of the honeybee productivity this week. Clearly the nectar flow got a start on Tuesday and has continued through today!

  • 50 Amp retrofit for older motorhomes with 30 Amp service.

    50 Amp retrofit for older motorhomes with 30 Amp service.

    DISCLAIMER 1: Wiring should only be done by a qualified electrician. DISCLAIMER 2: Although I can now use a 50 amp campsite connection, my system still only allows 30 amps on the original wiring. WHY? My motorhome was originally equipped with an Air Conditioner switching system that only allowed use of one Air Conditioner at…

  • New battery shunt and monitoring system.

    New battery shunt and monitoring system.

    My old VA (Volt-Amp) meter on my ’97 Rexhall Rexair never displayed the correct current reading. In addition to that, the ‘charging’ light was always lit so I never really knew whether the batteries were charging or discharging. In addition to that, the old battery shunt was damaged. I may have done it myself, but…

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